Moms Finding Joy Community

Where Catholic mothers are breaking the Cycle of Depletion and finding joy in their everyday lives

What's in it for you?

That's a great question, and one you should be asking. Your time and money are too precious to be throwing them around willy-nilly. Here's what you can expect.

A more positive mindset

We'll work together and give you the skills to change your negative mindset into a positive one. 

Skills you never learned

But definitely should have. Things like: routines, habits, boundaries, decision making, resilience, communication.

A community to back you up

Transformation is just easier in a community. You'll have wisdom, love and accountability from the other women in the group.

Christian women's Coach

About Me

I'm Laura Dominick and I'm the Host and creator of this community. I created this community to help women like me - women who are tired of being overwhelmed and depleted and who want to learn how to find the joy in their everyday lives. 

I'm a certified women's wholeness coach and I'm taking all of my knowledge and skill base and giving it to the members of my community. 

I hope you'll join us and I can't wait to meet you there!

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What Are You Waiting For? 

There's a community of women waiting for your wisdom!